
The Factors Shaping Our Homeschooling Choice

As a mother who was homeschooled myself, I made the deliberate choice to homeschool my own children. Homeschooling provides a unique opportunity to create a tailored educational experience, allowing children to learn at their own pace, explore their interests, and develop a closer bond with their parents. Let's dive into the reasons behind my decision to homeschool, highlighting the freedom, flexibility, and deeper connections it offers.

If you are not currently homeschooling but would like to learn more about it, check out my How to Homeschool series.

A Personal Connection to Homeschooling

Being homeschooled myself, I experienced firsthand the benefits of an individualized education. Although we didn't have any of the resources available today, my mother was able to provide me an education while she and my dad worked a full-time job. I loved learning so much, I did all my work independently and without complaint. During my homeschool years, I got ahead of the curve and developed a love for science, specifically genetics. I used ACE PACE curriculum growing up.

The positive impact it had on my own life ignited a passion within me to provide the same advantages for my children. I hope to see their love for learning grow. I will allow them to dive deep into the corners of their favorite subject without any of the obstacles that public education often provides. My personal journey as a homeschooled student has influenced my decision and shaped my approach to educating my own children.

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Freedom to Choose and Tailor Curriculum:

One of the significant advantages of homeschooling is the freedom to choose and tailor the curriculum to suit each child's unique needs, interests, and learning styles. This was something not really implemented in my homeschooling growing up. The method of learning my parents provided worked really well for me, however, it did not work well for my brother and he went back to public school a year later.

If you need help figuring out if homeschool is even right for your family, check out my article, Determining if Homeschool is Right For Your Family.

I am able to tailor the lesson to each of my kids by getting lessons that include the same topic for different ages. For the Love of Homeschooling Nature Club offers unit studies that have 4 levels of learning included in one purchase.

Nature Study Club | For The Love Of Homeschooling
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Homeschooling allows us to explore diverse subjects, adapt materials, and customize the learning experience. Today, we have so many ways of homeschooling. There are co-ops, socialization events, field trips, Facebook groups, sports, and music lessons all available to homeschoolers throughout the day to help them learn in their own special way. This flexibility empowers children to develop a love for learning, encouraging them to pursue their passions and strengths.

Individualized Learning Pace:

Homeschooling provides the freedom for children to learn at their own pace. Each child has their own learning style and rhythm, and homeschooling allows for personalized instruction that accommodates these differences. Whether a child needs more time to grasp a concept or is ready to dive deeper into a particular subject, homeschooling provides the flexibility to meet them where they are and nurture their individual growth.

If you need more help planning, then check out my article on Effective Planning.

I have had a hard time personally with this because I like to make a plan and stick to it. Going off the beaten path is difficult for me to do. This is mostly because I put in so much work to make the plan, it hurts to have to move things around. I've lately been able to overcome this by using a digital planner, Homeschool Planet. It lets me reschedule and move things around so easily! It doesn't feel like my work is wasted.

For my personal daily tasks, I made my own Daily Life Planner.

Flexible Schedule and Learning Environment:

Homeschooling offers the flexibility to create a schedule that suits the unique needs of our family. Whether we need to adjust our daily routines to accommodate extracurricular activities, family trips, or unexpected events, we have the freedom to adapt our learning environment accordingly. This flexibility promotes a healthy work-life balance, reduces stress, and allows for joyful exploration beyond the confines of a traditional classroom.

I can't tell you all the times we have taken vacations and traveled to visit family during “normal” school hours. Being able to vacation during the off-season, and visit family without worrying about missed days allowed, is such a big blessing!

Nurturing Strong Parent-Child Bonds:

Homeschooling provides a remarkable opportunity for parents to form deeper connections with their children. Spending more time together throughout the day allows for meaningful conversations, shared experiences, and increased involvement in their education. Because it is just us in the school room, the kids are able to ask much more specific questions and we can spend more time focusing on the answers. The one-on-one attention fosters a strong bond and a deep understanding of each child's strengths, weaknesses, and passions. This close relationship sets the stage for open communication, mentorship, and lifelong learning.

Tailored Socialization Opportunities:

Contrary to misconceptions, homeschooling offers ample opportunities for socialization. Homeschooled children engage in various social activities, including co-ops, clubs, community groups, sports, and extracurricular classes. These interactions provide a well-rounded social experience where children can develop meaningful friendships, practice collaboration, and build social skills in diverse settings.

If you need help with socialization in homeschool, check out my article on Socialization.

There is really no excuse to not socialize your homeschool students. Even as Christians, we shouldn't shelter our children from the world. The great commission calls us to go out into the world. How are our kids going to tell the world (and other kids) about Jesus if they don't meet them? Our jobs as parents are to help guide them through the world with a biblical lens. We must let them into the world, yet teach them how to be set apart (holy) from the world. If you need help choosing a co-op, check out my series on Choosing the Right Co-op.


Homeschooling is a personal and deliberate choice that offers numerous benefits for both parents and children. The freedom to choose curriculum, accommodate individual learning styles, maintain a flexible schedule, and form closer bonds are just a few of the advantages homeschooling provides. By embracing this educational path, we can create an environment that nurtures a love for learning, promotes individual growth, and strengthens the parent-child relationship. Ultimately, homeschooling allows us to shape our children's educational journeys in a way that aligns with their unique needs, aspirations, and values.

I would love to include you in my prayers as we both pray over our lives and children. Feel free to email me and let me know how your journey is going.

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