
The False Narrative Of Homeschool In The Early Years, And Why It Needs To STOP!

How many of you have asked about starting homeschool early for your pre-school aged child, only to be met with criticism? Did you get responses like; Responses like these are not only unhelpful, but they encourage a false idea that early homeschooling means a rigorous push to learn. That is not what homeschool is, nor should it ever be, no matter the age. When it comes to homeschooling, you can begin at any age! That’s…

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Children Homeschool

How Moms Can Help Toddlers Come To Their Senses In Homeschool Sensory Play

Welcome to the next element of Toddler Homeschool; Sensory Play! If you are just jumping in to this series on Toddler Homeschool, be sure to check out the other articles in this series here. Sensory play is just play that engages their 5 senses; touch, smell, sight, taste, and hearing. Engaging these senses help your toddlers brain develop and learn more about the world around them. By focusing on their senses, it allows toddlers to…

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Children Homeschool

How SAHMs Can Get Their Apathetic Toddler to Be Physical Active

Welcome back to my next article getting into toddler homeschooling. This is a big one. Physical Activity! Our bodies are the starting points for all learning. From the moment you are born, your body is feeling and experiencing so much. It is from the body that our brain learns all that it does in the early years. Our bodies affect cognitive and emotional growth too, which is why it is so important to include in…

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Children Homeschool

How Moms Can Encourage Exploration in Clingy Toddlers

Exploration comes naturally to all children and it’s their primary way of learning about the world around them. It involves curiosity, play, and discovery which are the pillars of toddler learning. However, it can be hard to see how your child is exploring, when they are displaying clingy, change-resistant behavior. This is where MultiPath Learning can help you provide customized learning for every child. Below, I will show you 9 ways you can encourage and…

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