
How to Handle Schoolwork Tantrums and Create a Peaceful Learning Environment

In this article, you are going to learn the truth behind schoolwork tantrums and how to stop them. Most overextended and overwhelmed homeschool moms will toss out entire curriculums or delay their child’s education because of schoolwork tantrums, when the problem isn’t what you’re teaching, but how you’re teaching. This leaves parents never addressing the root of the problem, and wasting thousands of $$$ on curriculums that your child won’t learn from. In the rEDo…

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Faith of Their Own: Raising Kids with a Deep, Personal Faith

In today’s rapidly changing (and not for the better) world, instilling a genuine faith in your children is more crucial than ever. Faith is not just a set of beliefs handed down from generation to generation. It is a very personal and individual journey. It shapes your values, guides your decisions, and provides comfort in times of uncertainty. For you as parents and guardians, the challenge is not merely to pass on the rituals and…

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Embracing the Role of Mentor as a Parent

Did you know that January 7th is National I am a Mentor Day? Have you ever heard of this holiday before? Yeah me neither. Well this is what I found out. National I am a Mentor Day is actually part of National Mentoring Month which is celebrated in January. The day is to celebrate and honor mentors and the roles they play in their communities. Mentors guide and inspire other people. Usually people who are…

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Children Marriage Women

Dealing with Parental Criticism

In the article the author explores the generational gap between modern moms and their parents, delving into the reasons behind criticisms and offering strategies to stay strong. It highlights how societal changes, technology, and individualism have shaped modern parenting, and provides insights on addressing conflicts with older generations.

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My Heart For My Husband

In honor of my husband’s birthday this week, I wanted to write about what my heart hopes for, what it loves about, and how it’s been changed by my husband. Read on to find out about my heart for my husband, and probably your heart for your husband as well. Before I ever knew you… God knew you would be mine. I had no clue who you were or how you’d come into my life,…

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5 Phrases I Say To My Kids Everyday To Prevent Spoiling Them

Discover five powerful and effective phrases that can help you prevent spoiling your children while fostering values of gratitude and empathy. Learn how to strike the right balance between love and responsibility in your parenting journey. Transform your approach with these practical tools for meaningful conversations and long-lasting lessons.

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Children Homeschool

Teaching Kids about Military Service and Sacrifice

Discover the importance of teaching children about military service and sacrifice in this insightful blog post. Learn creative and age-appropriate methods to instill empathy and gratitude in young minds. Explore the positive impact on children’s character and appreciation for our heroes, ensuring a legacy that endures for generations. Join us in inspiring the next generation to proudly support and honor those who protect our freedoms.

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Boys Girls

Grace-Filled Parenting: The Power of Apologizing and Seeking Forgiveness

Discover the transformative power of grace and forgiveness in parenting as we explore the scriptural guidance on nurturing love, understanding, and accountability within our families. Learn how apologizing to our children models humility and fosters an atmosphere of trust and growth, reflecting God’s grace in our everyday interactions. Embrace the principles of Ephesians 4:32 and Colossians 3:13, cultivating a grace-filled environment that strengthens relationships rooted in the love of Christ.

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Embracing Professional Help in Marriage with Wisdom and Faith

Discover the transformative benefits of marriage counseling in addressing relationship challenges and breaking the stigma around seeking professional help. Explore biblical wisdom that emphasizes the significance of counsel in strengthening communication, emotional intimacy, conflict resolution, trust, and commitment. Embrace the power of love and faithfulness in nurturing a lasting and fulfilling marriage.

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