
Christian Parents Create a Foundation of Spiritual Fulfillment Through Education

As a Christian homeschool family, you hold strongly to the belief that a child’s education is more than just giving knowledge, but rather you are being God’s hands in developing a soul and providing a jumping off base for your child to develop a lifelong relationship with God. As Christian parents, we are striving every day to not nurture our child’s faith in God through every lesson taught. This is not how most of the…

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Children Homeschool

How SAHMs Can Get Their Apathetic Toddler to Be Physical Active

Welcome back to my next article getting into toddler homeschooling. This is a big one. Physical Activity! Our bodies are the starting points for all learning. From the moment you are born, your body is feeling and experiencing so much. It is from the body that our brain learns all that it does in the early years. Our bodies affect cognitive and emotional growth too, which is why it is so important to include in…

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Children Homeschool

How Moms Can Encourage Exploration in Clingy Toddlers

Exploration comes naturally to all children and it’s their primary way of learning about the world around them. It involves curiosity, play, and discovery which are the pillars of toddler learning. However, it can be hard to see how your child is exploring, when they are displaying clingy, change-resistant behavior. This is where MultiPath Learning can help you provide customized learning for every child. Below, I will show you 9 ways you can encourage and…

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How to Start Homeschooling: Part 8 Socialization

Welcome back to our How to Start Homeschooling Series! In Part 8 I’m are going to tackle a topic that’s often at the forefront of many parents’ minds when they consider homeschooling: socialization. The stereotype of the homeschooler as socially isolated is outdated and inaccurate. In reality, homeschooling can offer a wide array of socialization opportunities that are both enriching and diverse. Let’s address common concerns and explore strategies for ensuring your homeschooled child is…

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Faith of Their Own: Raising Kids with a Deep, Personal Faith

In today’s rapidly changing (and not for the better) world, instilling a genuine faith in your children is more crucial than ever. Faith is not just a set of beliefs handed down from generation to generation. It is a very personal and individual journey. It shapes your values, guides your decisions, and provides comfort in times of uncertainty. For you as parents and guardians, the challenge is not merely to pass on the rituals and…

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Children Homeschool

10 Open-and-Go Screen-Free Learning Activities

How often do we have days where we are just not feeling homeschool? The days when you want your kids to learn something you just don’t wanna go through all the effort of clearing off a space, printing everything, getting all the supplies, making the list of what needs to be done, and getting everything prepared. I’m talking about those days. And on those days, we usually turn to screen time to cover for us.…

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8 Things I’d Change If I Were Homeschooling with 1 Million Dollars

What would you do if you won the lottery? This will be a fun article to write and share with you all. I was prompted, “What would you do if you won the lottery?” and of course I have to put a homeschooling spin on it. So the new question will be “How Would You Homeschool If You Had 1 Million Dollars?” Keep reading to find out how I would put this money to use…

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Embracing the Role of Mentor as a Parent

Did you know that January 7th is National I am a Mentor Day? Have you ever heard of this holiday before? Yeah me neither. Well this is what I found out. National I am a Mentor Day is actually part of National Mentoring Month which is celebrated in January. The day is to celebrate and honor mentors and the roles they play in their communities. Mentors guide and inspire other people. Usually people who are…

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Children Marriage Women

Dealing with Parental Criticism

In the article the author explores the generational gap between modern moms and their parents, delving into the reasons behind criticisms and offering strategies to stay strong. It highlights how societal changes, technology, and individualism have shaped modern parenting, and provides insights on addressing conflicts with older generations.

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Gift Guides

10 Stocking Stuffers For Moms

I’ve already shared with you my top gifts for homeschooling moms, but now I want to share with you some stocking stuffers! This list was curated using the answers of 68 women. Don’t stress about stocking stuffers and just use this list. 1. Gift Cards Yes! Gift cards! THEY ARE NOT TACKY! I don’t care what anybody says, moms love gift cards so put one in her stocking this year. Gift cards for what you…

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