
Choosing The Right Homeschool Co-op: Part 4

As our series draws to a close, we arrive at the most crucial stage of our co-op selection journey: putting wisdom into action. The choices we make now will ripple through our children’s education and our family life. So let’s approach this with the due diligence it deserves, armed with the insights we’ve gathered along the way. If you didn’t read the previous article here is the link! Choosing the Right Co-Op Part 3 And…

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Choosing The Right Co-op Part 3

In this third chapter of our series, we’re going to unravel the sometimes-intimidating aspects of membership costs and fees, align our family’s compass with the co-op’s moral map, and understand the priceless currency of parent involvement. So, find a comfy spot, and let’s wade into the waters of making informed, heartfelt decisions for our children’s education. If you haven’t read the first 2 articles in this series, be sure to check them out! Here are…

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Creative Ways to Teach Energy Conservation in Your Homeschool

As a homeschooler, you have an important job of preparing your kids to be adults. One thing we all should know, but many young adults don’t know about, is energy use! I don’t mean just what your energy bill says each month, but how you contribute and use energy in your home and lives. With current issues with energy conservation and renewable energy, it is so important that you teach your kids how to manage…

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Gift Guides Homeschool

41 Stocking Stuffers for Your Homeschooler

As we near the holidays, you might have already got a plan for gift-buying come Black Friday, but have you thought about your stocking stuffers? I know for me, these are usually the last things on my mind. Well, here I am providing you with not only a reminder to get the stocking stuffers while on sale, but I’m even going to help you choose. I’m giving you the stuffers that 112 moms said are…

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Gift Guides Homeschool

12 Things Your Homeschooling Wife Wants for Christmas

Alright, this is for all the family members of the homeschooling mom in your life (or for the homeschooling moms to share). After asking my homeschooling mom community, these are the real answers given! Some of them may be obvious, but some might surprise you! So surprise your loved one this year with something they truly wanted and needed. Don’t get a gift that they will JUST like. This time, get what they desire. 1.…

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Choosing The Right Co-op Part 2

Welcome back to the second installment of our guide on selecting the ideal homeschool co-op for your family. We now examine key factors that shape your homeschooling journey: the size and community, its curriculum and teaching methods, and the required schedule and commitment. These elements are essential in influencing your educational experience. If you haven’t read Part 1 of this series, check it out here! Choosing the Right Homeschool Co-op: Part 1 Co-op Size and…

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Homeschooling Hygge: Incorporating Danish Coziness

So, have you heard about this cozy little thing the Danes do called ‘hygge’? It’s their secret to staying happy during those endless nights when the sun basically says, “See ya!” and takes a mini vacation. Hygge is all about getting your cozy on and finding joy in the teeny tiny things—like that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you sip hot cocoa or snuggle under a blanket fort with your kiddos. Let me tell…

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Choosing the Right Homeschool Co-op: Part 1

As homeschoolers, we do it all. We teach all the subjects, we do all the housekeeping, and we keep all the records. Sometimes, however, we can’t do it all. Learning to balance homeschooling with being a SAHM is hard work. I’ve shared how I mastered it in my blog “Master the Art of Balancing SAHM and Christian Homeschooling Roles.” Maybe there is a subject that you have a hard time teaching. Or perhaps you just…

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Children Homeschool Women

Master the Art of Balancing SAHM and Christian Homeschooling Roles with Ease

In today’s fast-paced world, juggling the roles of a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) and a Christian homeschool teacher (while usually doing a side hustle) feels like a constant battle against chaos. The demands are relentless, the responsibilities overwhelming, and the desire for harmony and tranquility often seems like an elusive dream. But what if there was something that could help you navigate this delicate balancing act with ease? Let me tell you! Finding Balance It’s ESSENTIAL…

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