
The False Narrative Of Homeschool In The Early Years, And Why It Needs To STOP!

How many of you have asked about starting homeschool early for your pre-school aged child, only to be met with criticism? Did you get responses like;

  • You shouldn't be homeschooling your child so early
  • Why are you putting pressure on your child?
  • Why are you forcing your child to do things they aren't ready for?
  • Don't homeschool them!
  • They are too young. Don't do anything.
  • Just play with them!

Responses like these are not only unhelpful, but they encourage a false idea that early homeschooling means a rigorous push to learn. That is not what homeschool is, nor should it ever be, no matter the age.

When it comes to homeschooling, you can begin at any age! That's right. Even from the moment they are born. Whether you realize it or not, before your child is even born, you are planning your homeschool. From considering what supplies you might need, what space you need, to what things your child should be learning. If you've ever looked up your 1 month old's developmental milestones to see not only when they should roll over but how you can encourage it, then guess what, you are homeschooling!

Teaching your 1 year old words like mama and dada is no different than teaching your child vocabulary when they are in grade school. Both should be taken seriously. Parents should be aware and active in educating their child early on, encouraging and providing opportunities to practice their skills, from the moment their children are born.

So, the next time you see a momma asking about homeschooling their 2 or 3 year old early, instead of pushing the false idea about homeschooling, you can say these responses instead;

  • It is great that you are taking your child's education seriously!
  • What is your child's current skills? I'd love to share different activities that will help develop them more.
  • There are lots of play-based learning curriculums and activities you can do! We have used/My friends have used…..
  • Education starts the moment our children are born. There are so many parents that don't consider how they can help their child develop skills until they notice their child is behind. Good job taking charge of your child's education!

Be a blessing to the next mom you see asking for help. Instead of criticizing, give encouragement and advice.

I'd love to talk to you more about early education and look forward to any comments or messages from you. You can send me an email at [email protected] or message me on FB or IG.

If you're interested in more help with Toddler Homeschooling, then check out How SAHMs Can Get Their Apathetic Toddler to Be Physical Active.

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