
  • How Moms Can Help Toddlers Come To Their Senses In Homeschool Sensory Play

    How Moms Can Help Toddlers Come To Their Senses In Homeschool Sensory Play

    Welcome to the next element of Toddler Homeschool; Sensory Play! If you are just jumping in to this series on Toddler Homeschool, be sure to check out the other articles in this series here. Sensory play is just play that engages their 5 senses; touch, smell, sight, taste, and hearing. Engaging these senses help your…

  • How SAHMs Can Get Their Apathetic Toddler to Be Physical Active

    How SAHMs Can Get Their Apathetic Toddler to Be Physical Active

    Welcome back to my next article getting into toddler homeschooling. This is a big one. Physical Activity! Our bodies are the starting points for all learning. From the moment you are born, your body is feeling and experiencing so much. It is from the body that our brain learns all that it does in the…

  • 20 Christian Kid's Easter Books That Are Mom Approved

    20 Christian Kid's Easter Books That Are Mom Approved

    Need some ideas on good books that talk about Easter in a way children understand? No worries! I have found a collection of Easter books just for you! I have provided a mix of books from Amazon and non-Amazon sources if that's what you prefer. Check them out below! In our family, we don't tote…

  • How Moms Can Encourage Exploration in Clingy Toddlers

    How Moms Can Encourage Exploration in Clingy Toddlers

    Exploration comes naturally to all children and it’s their primary way of learning about the world around them. It involves curiosity, play, and discovery which are the pillars of toddler learning. However, it can be hard to see how your child is exploring, when they are displaying clingy, change-resistant behavior. This is where MultiPath Learning…

  • Faith of Their Own: Raising Kids with a Deep, Personal Faith

    Faith of Their Own: Raising Kids with a Deep, Personal Faith

    In today’s rapidly changing (and not for the better) world, instilling a genuine faith in your children is more crucial than ever. Faith is not just a set of beliefs handed down from generation to generation. It is a very personal and individual journey. It shapes your values, guides your decisions, and provides comfort in…

  • 10 Open-and-Go Screen-Free Learning Activities

    10 Open-and-Go Screen-Free Learning Activities

    How often do we have days where we are just not feeling homeschool? The days when you want your kids to learn something you just don't wanna go through all the effort of clearing off a space, printing everything, getting all the supplies, making the list of what needs to be done, and getting everything…

  • Embracing the Role of Mentor as a Parent

    Embracing the Role of Mentor as a Parent

    Did you know that January 7th is National I am a Mentor Day? Have you ever heard of this holiday before? Yeah me neither. Well this is what I found out. National I am a Mentor Day is actually part of National Mentoring Month which is celebrated in January. The day is to celebrate and…

  • Dealing with Parental Criticism

    Dealing with Parental Criticism

    In the article the author explores the generational gap between modern moms and their parents, delving into the reasons behind criticisms and offering strategies to stay strong. It highlights how societal changes, technology, and individualism have shaped modern parenting, and provides insights on addressing conflicts with older generations.

  • 35 Older Christmas Movies To Watch This Season

    35 Older Christmas Movies To Watch This Season

    Are you tired of the new Christmas movies that have been released? Do you think we would go back to the older way of making movies? Well, you aren't alone. Many moms have been asking for Christmas movies that aren't filled with current societies' controversial views and these are the movies recommended to them! To…

  • Mightly Organic Cotton Clothing Review

    Mightly Organic Cotton Clothing Review

    I am writing this Mightly review for those of you who have had a similar experience to me. I first stumbled upon Mightly organic cotton clothes when I got tired of my kids uncomfortable, unknown origin clothes that would fall apart after a month or two. Because of this, I knew I needed to start…

  • The Complete Family Advent Guide

    The Complete Family Advent Guide

    Hello, Incredibles! Today I'd like to talk about a topic I'm sure all of you have heard about. Advent. For many of you, Advent is something that is celebrated at church and maybe it is a time of daily surprise as you open the next box in your advent calendar. I know this has been…

  • 25 Gifts $25 or Less for Kids 2 and Under

    25 Gifts $25 or Less for Kids 2 and Under

    Hello again Incredibles! Today, I'm diving into a topic that's as joyful as it is challenging: finding the perfect gifts for our littlest ones without breaking the bank. In “25 Gifts $25 or Less for Kids 2 and Under,” we're going to explore not just toys, but treasures – little nuggets of fun, learning, and…

  • How I Taught My Child the Power of Gratitude

    How I Taught My Child the Power of Gratitude

    Lately, I have been hearing this phrase from my 4-year-old: “I wish I had [something some other kid has]” or “I wish we could go to [fill in some extravagant vacation trip].” It has been characteristic of her to say things out of the blue and usually, it's something really cute, like “I have tears…

  • 10 Bible Verses to Reflect on This Thanksgiving

    10 Bible Verses to Reflect on This Thanksgiving

    As Thanksgiving approaches, we start thinking about what we are thankful for. We don't consider just the tangible things, but also the countless moments of grace and guidance that have shaped our days. In the middle of the holiday chaos that usually happens, it is a good practice to pause and reflect upon the Word…

  • 3 Important Steps for Raising Strong And Independent Girls

    3 Important Steps for Raising Strong And Independent Girls

    In a world that's constantly evolving, equipping our daughters with the tools they need to navigate life's challenges on their own and emerge as resilient individuals is more important than ever.  As a mother of 3 daughters, raising strong and independent daughters is one of my main tasks in life and something that occupies my…

  • My Heart For My Husband

    My Heart For My Husband

    In honor of my husband's birthday this week, I wanted to write about what my heart hopes for, what it loves about, and how it's been changed by my husband. Read on to find out about my heart for my husband, and probably your heart for your husband as well. Before I ever knew you……

  • Master the Art of Balancing SAHM and Christian Homeschooling Roles with Ease

    Master the Art of Balancing SAHM and Christian Homeschooling Roles with Ease

    In today's fast-paced world, juggling the roles of a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) and a Christian homeschool teacher (while usually doing a side hustle) feels like a constant battle against chaos. The demands are relentless, the responsibilities overwhelming, and the desire for harmony and tranquility often seems like an elusive dream. But what if there was…

  • What To Do When Our Kids Get Emotional

    What To Do When Our Kids Get Emotional

    One of our roles as parents is to teach our children how to behave. One aspect of this is regulating our emotions. Read and find out how to teach our kids the names of emotions and then what methods to use.

  • Dear Momma, Are You Depressed?

    Dear Momma, Are You Depressed?

    Dear momma, are you okay? Life is hard and we can be suffering without anyone thinking its abnormal. Is it just a part of motherhood or are you depressed? Lets find help together.

  • When a SAHM is a Workaholic

    When a SAHM is a Workaholic

    You've heard of husbands being workaholics, and you've heard of working wives being workaholics, but did you know stay-at-home moms (SAHM) can be workaholics too?! Read my blog post about how SAHM's can be just as much a workaholic with their homemaking as their husbands can be.