Children Homeschool Women

Master the Art of Balancing SAHM and Christian Homeschooling Roles with Ease

In today's fast-paced world, juggling the roles of a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) and a Christian homeschool teacher (while usually doing a side hustle) feels like a constant battle against chaos. The demands are relentless, the responsibilities overwhelming, and the desire for harmony and tranquility often seems like an elusive dream. But what if there was something that could help you navigate this delicate balancing act with ease? Let me tell you!

Finding Balance

It's ESSENTIAL to establish a structured or at least semi-structured routine for your homeschooling days. Creating a schedule that uses block times for different subjects or activities can help bring a sense of order and predictability to your day. By being consistent, you provide your children with a clear understanding of what is expected of them.

Being flexible in your homeschooling approach can help alleviate stress and make your SAHM roles more manageable. This is why using a semi-structured schedule is better for some families. Recognize that not every day will go according to plan, and that's okay. Life happens, and there will be unforeseen circumstances that disrupt your routine. Allow yourself to adapt and adjust as needed, finding creative solutions to challenges that arise. This flexibility will not only benefit you but also teach your children valuable skills in problem-solving and resilience. Make sure to schedule in time for yourself and your marriage too. Don't become a workaholic!

Even our table has its roles

For example, as I am writing this, I am stressed from figuring out something new with my website. The kids are supposed to be doing geography, but I don't have the presence of mind to teach the lesson until I can figure this tool out. So guess what they are doing. They are playing with word puzzles in the living room until I can get to a stopping point. They are still doing something educational and fun, while I am doing what I need to do to be able to give them my full presence.

Let Others Help You

Another key aspect of balancing homeschooling is utilizing available resources and support networks. Joining homeschooling groups or co-ops can provide you with a community of like-minded individuals who can offer advice, resources, and encouragement. Let someone else take on your roles as biology teacher and PE teacher. These networks can be a source of inspiration and collaboration, fostering a sense of camaraderie among fellow Christian homeschooling parents.

The roles of technology

Leveraging technology and digital resources can greatly enhance your homeschooling experience. With the vast array of digital resources, you can supplement your teaching materials and engage your children in a variety of dynamic ways. They can add excitement and variety to your homeschooling curriculum, making it more manageable and enjoyable for both you and your children. Here are some options to look into.

By finding balance, you can create an educational environment that is manageable and conducive to your children's growth and development. With a routine, flexibility, support networks, and technological resources, homeschooling becomes an achievable and rewarding experience.

Sharing Your Faith Amidst the Chaos

As a SAHM and homeschooling parent, you have a unique opportunity to influence your children not only academically but also spiritually. Sharing your faith amidst the chaos of daily life can be challenging AND rewarding. It requires intentionality, patience, and a genuine desire to impart your beliefs and values to your children in a way that resonates with them.

One way to bring God into your homeschooling journey is by adding Bible study and devotional time into your daily routine. Set aside a specific time each day to read scripture, discuss its meaning, and pray together as a family. This intentional act will not only strengthen your own spiritual walk but also provide an opportunity for your children to grow in their faith.

Including the Bible in our homeschool day

Look for opportunities to infuse Christian values into your homeschooling curriculum. Teach your children the importance of kindness, compassion, honesty, and forgiveness. Use real-life examples and stories from the Bible to illustrate these principles. Doing this helps your children understand how they apply the Bible to their own lives. You can add biblical teaching to any subject if you are creating enough! I love the ideas at How Do I Homeschool on how to integrate bible teachings into every subject.

Find a Co-Op

Consider connecting with other like-minded homeschooling families or joining a homeschooling co-op with a focus on Christian values. This will provide a support network of individuals who share your faith and can offer guidance, encouragement, and resources to help you navigate the challenges of homeschooling while sharing your faith. Read my article Choosing the Right Homeschool Co-op: Part 1 to get help finding one.

Remember, influencing with grace means leading by example and demonstrating the love of Christ through your actions and words. Be patient with yourself and your children, embracing the imperfections and the challenges that come with homeschooling. Allow for open and honest conversations about faith. Answer your children's questions to the best of your ability and encourage them to explore their own relationship with God.

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Self-Care and Boundaries

As you navigate the demands of being a SAHM and a Christian homeschool teacher, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos and neglect your own needs. However, self-care and establishing boundaries are CRUCIAL to maintaining your well-being and effectively managing your responsibilities. By nurturing your body, mind, and soul, you can find the calm amidst the storm and create a solid foundation for both you and your family.

I have implemented this in my life by waking up almost 2 hours before the kids do. When I wake at 5:30 a.m. that starts my ME time. I do a morning workout, read the bible, read a leisure book, get myself ready, and maybe do some cleaning. It has become a necessary part of my day, otherwise, I am stressed all day and nothing gets done. Knowing how important this time is motivates me to wake up this early. I know it may be intimidating to wake up so early, but it is so worth it.

I have been using Laguna Herbals' CBD Stress Free Body Oil for a little bit and can say, what a RELIEF! I keep it near by for those really stressful moments during the day when I need to take an aromatherapy break. Get your roll-on bottle now! They are a hot commodity at Laguna Herbals.

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Mind, Body and Soul

Taking care of your body is essential for maintaining the energy and stamina needed to fulfill your various roles. Prioritize regular exercise! Even if it's just a quick walk around the block or a BODi session in your living room. Fuel yourself with nourishing meals and stay hydrated throughout the day. Ensure you get enough restorative sleep to recharge both physically and mentally.

Taking care of my body as a SAHM.

Nurturing your mind is also vital for personal growth and mental well-being. Set aside time for reading, whether it's for leisure or personal development. Engage in activities that stimulate your creativity and intellect, such as journaling, painting, or learning a new skill. Explore online courses or join virtual communities where you can expand your knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals.

Taking care of my Soul as a SAHM

Equally important is nourishing your soul, as it provides the emotional and spiritual sustenance needed to face life's challenges. Incorporate moments of reflection and prayer into your daily routine. Allow yourself to reconnect with your faith and find solace in its teachings. Seek out opportunities for spiritual growth through devotionals, meditation, or participating in faith-based communities. Surround yourself with a supportive network of individuals who share your values and beliefs, fostering an environment of mutual encouragement.

Here is my favorite Bible. It ties everything back to Jesus throughout the whole Bible. It is called the Jesus Bible. You can also find it on Amazon.

Add Boundaries

Establish boundaries to safeguard your self-care routine and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Clearly define your personal and professional boundaries, ensuring that you allocate dedicated time for each aspect of your life. Communicate your needs and expectations with your family, homeschooling support system, and online audience, setting realistic boundaries and managing expectations. Remember that saying no sometimes will allow you to say yes to moments of self-care and quality time with your loved ones.

Setting Boundaries with Grandparents

For me, this looks like setting a specific time when I can focus on work. Trying to work on my blog during school time does not work for me. I have to set aside time to focus on my work that doesn't interfere with teaching the kids. The times I usually subscribe to are before the kids wake up, during school work breaks, and then after school until my husband gets home. Work doesn't come back out until after me and my husband have quality time and the kids are asleep. Then, when 10 p.m. rolls around, my phone will lock, and work stops!

My husband has many roles including playmate

Biblical Wisdom for Overcoming Overwhelm

When we find ourselves overwhelmed with the many roles and responsibilities we take on as SAHM and Christian homeschoolers it can be easy to lose sight of our purpose and feel consumed by chaos. However, by embracing the power of faith and drawing from biblical wisdom, we can find solace and strength to navigate the challenges that come our way.

The Bible is a wellspring of wisdom that offers guidance and comfort in times of overwhelm. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to trust in God and relinquish our need for complete control, allowing us to find peace and clarity amidst the chaos.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Psalm 46:10 serves as a reminder to slow down, quiet our minds, and trust in God's plan. Taking moments of stillness and reflecting on these words can help us regain our balance and find peace in the midst of overwhelming circumstances.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalm 46:10

The Bible also teaches us the power of prayer and its ability to bring us comfort and strength. By turning to prayer, we can find solace in knowing that we are not alone in our struggles and that there is a source of peace that surpasses all understanding.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

Harnessing the power of faith and biblical wisdom allows us to approach our roles as SAHMs and homeschoolers with a sense of peace and purpose. By trusting in God, surrendering control, and seeking guidance through prayer and reflection, we can overcome overwhelm and find true peace in the midst of it all.

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Are your days full? Are you tired and craving quiet for your soul? You're not alone. If days filled with obligations and never-ending to-do lists leave you feeling anxious and overwhelmed, you can find the peace your soul longs for. 

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Embrace the Journey and Thrive in Every Aspect of Your Life

Mastering the art of balancing the roles of a SAHM and Christian homeschool teacher is no easy feat. However, by embracing the multifaceted nature of these roles and implementing the practical strategies shared in this post, you can transform chaos into calm and find joy in every aspect of your life. Remember to prioritize self-care, nurture your faith, and embrace the journey that lies ahead. As you navigate through the challenges and triumphs, never forget that you have the power to thrive in each of these roles. So, go forth with confidence, knowing that you are equipped to not only influence but also make a profound impact on your children, your community, and the world around you.

I would love to include you in my prayers as we both pray over our lives and children. Feel free to email me and let me know how your journey is going.

Balancing the roles of SAHM and teacher

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