Boys Girls

Tooth Fairies, Santa, Easter Bunny, and God

Explore the intriguing connections between cherished childhood legends – Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny – and God’s Word. Uncover surprising insights and parallels that reveal the deeper meanings behind these beloved figures in our latest blog post. Join us on a journey of discovery that bridges faith, tradition, and the magic of storytelling

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The Factors Shaping Our Homeschooling Choice

Discover the driving forces that led us to embark on a homeschooling journey in this insightful blog post. From tailored education to embracing freedom, explore the intricate web of reasons behind our decision to homeschool our children. Unveil the motivations that shape our path towards a personalized and empowering approach to learning.

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5 Phrases I Say To My Kids Everyday To Prevent Spoiling Them

Discover five powerful and effective phrases that can help you prevent spoiling your children while fostering values of gratitude and empathy. Learn how to strike the right balance between love and responsibility in your parenting journey. Transform your approach with these practical tools for meaningful conversations and long-lasting lessons.

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Children Homeschool

Teaching Kids about Military Service and Sacrifice

Discover the importance of teaching children about military service and sacrifice in this insightful blog post. Learn creative and age-appropriate methods to instill empathy and gratitude in young minds. Explore the positive impact on children’s character and appreciation for our heroes, ensuring a legacy that endures for generations. Join us in inspiring the next generation to proudly support and honor those who protect our freedoms.

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