Children Homeschool

20 Science Questions to Explore With Your Kids

I know how hard it is to find ideas for science and crafts for your kids (believe me, I just put this page together and it took a long time) so I put this together just for you! Here is a list of 20 questions that my kids asked me this past month. I included a YouTube video, a book recommendation, and an experiment to go along with each question.

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The books and YouTube videos can be watched on your kid's Fire Tablet, which is one of the best homeschool resources. You can check to see if your local library has the books to check out or you can purchase them for a good price through my Amazon Affiliate links.

1. How do windmills turn?

Youtube Video: How do wind turbines work?

Book: Rourke Educational Media Windmills (How It Works)

Project: Creating Moving Windmill

Article: Creative Ways to Teach Energy Conservation in Your Homeschool

  • Materials:
    • cardboard – 9Ă—9″ and 6Ă—6″
    • disposable cups
    • thin dowels
    • tape
    • fan
    • scissors, ruler, compass or round object

2. Why do we sweat when it is hot?

Youtube Video: Why do we sweat?

Book: Sweat (Why Does My Body Do That?)

Experiment: Sweat Spot Experiment

  • Materials
    • Iodine tincture (available at pharmacies)
    • Cornstarch
    • Variety of antiperspirants and deodorants
    • Magnifying glass or dissecting microscope
    • Paper and pencils/pens
    • Cotton swabs (optional)

3. Why do babies spit up and fart so much?

Youtube video: All about baby spit up.

Book: Burp, Spit & Fart: The Science Behind the Gross Things Babies Do

Experiment: Flatulence Experiment

  • Materials
    • Ziplock sandwich baggie
    • Measuring cups
    • Measuring spoons
    • Tape
    • Baking soda
    • Vinegar
    • Toilet paper

4. How do we get taller?

Youtube Video: How do bones grow?

Book: Human Anatomy for Kids: A Junior Scientist's Guide to How We Move, Breathe, and Grow

Experiment: Bone Strength Testing

  • Materials
    • Dried, clean chicken bone (a leg or wing bone)
    • A glass
    • White vinegar
Ivy Kids Kit - Good-Night, Owl!

This kit features the book Good-Night, Owl! by Pat Hutchins, which is a humorous story about an owl trying to get some rest in a lively tree. This kit contains over 10 science, math, art, literacy, and engineering activities inspired by the story. With this kit children will decorate a large wooden owl, explore feathers, create a sun catcher, make an owl mask, build a 3D tree to retell the story, play racing games and so much more. Everything children need to read, play, create, and learn is included!

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5. Why is tape so sticky?

Youtube video: How does tape work?

Experiment: How Sticky is Your Tape?

  • Materials
    • Examples of various kinds of tape to display in the opener and for testing:
      • Masking tape,
      • Duct tape,
      • medical bandage tape,
      • clear packing tape,
      • cellophane tape,
      • Post-it Notes™.
    • Testing track for each group: board approximately 12 in. by 24 in.,
      • marbles,
      • measuring tape,
      • books or blocks to make a ramp,
      • optional: protractor to measure the angle of incline
    • Graph paper

6. How can you escape from a cage?

Youtube Video: 10 Escape tricks and how to do them.

Experiment: Printable Kids Escape Room

7. Why are dogs' noses wet?

Youtube video: Why is a dog's nose wet?

Book: Why Are Dogs' Noses Wet?: And Other True Facts

Experiment: Dog Nose Prints

  • Materials
    • Food coloring
    • Paper towels
    • 5-10 dogs
    • Damp washcloth
    • Small pad of paper
    • Lab notebook
    • Pen or pencil

8. Why do things fall when you stack them up high?

Youtube Video: Falling 101


Experiment: Egg Drop Experiment

Materials: Various materials to protect an egg

Gravity Is a Mystery (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)
$6.99 $5.59
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02/28/2025 07:30 am GMT

9. What do elephants eat?

Youtube Video: What do elephants eat?


Experiment: Elephant Toothpaste

  • Materials
    • yeast packet (0.25 oz)
    • dish soap
    • 1/2 c. 3% hydrogen peroxide
    • 3 Tbsp warm water
    • food coloring
    • 1/2 c measuring cup
    • funnel
    • empty water bottle
    • cake pan
    • small bowl
    • measuring spoon (1 Tbsp)
    • small spoon
    • safety glasses
National Geographic Readers: Elephants
$5.99 $4.99
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02/28/2025 07:25 am GMT

10. Why are there boogers in our noses?

Youtube Video: Boogers

Book: I Am a Booger. Treat Me With Respect!

Experiment: Make Fake Snot

  • Materials
    • Boiling water
    • A cup
    • Gelatin
    • Corn syrup
    • A teaspoon
    • A fork

11. Why do rainbows only come out after rain?

Youtube video: How do rainbows form?

Book: Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Light Makes a Rainbow

Experiment: Make a rainbow

  • Materials
    • Paper Towel
    • Washable Markers
    • Water
    • 2 Small Glasses

12. How do flowers eat sunlight?

Youtube video: Photosynthesis

Book: I Ate Sunshine for Breakfast

Experiment: Photosynthesis DIY

  • Materials
    • 1 Bunch of Spinach Leaves
    • 1/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda
    • 2 Cups of Water
    • 5 Drops of Dish Soap
    • 1 Plastic Straw
    • 1 Syringe with no needle
    • 1 Measuring spoon
    • 1 Fork
    • 1 Desk lamp

13. How do elephants drink water?

Youtube video: Inside an elephant's trunk

Book: Little Elephant's Trunk by Lincoln, Hazel 

Experiment: Make an Elephant Mask

  • Materials:
    • Paint Brush
    • Acrylic Paint
    • White & Pink Craft Foam
    • Hot Glue Gun
    • Craft Glue
    • Hole Punch (Preferably 1/8″ Size)
    • Large Cardboard Tube
    • Scissors
    • Pencil

14. How do rockets blast off?

Youtube video: How does a rocket fly?

Book: The Ultimate Book of Space

Experiment: Homemade Rocket

  • Materials:
    • 2 liter soda bottle that is both empty and rinsed
    • decorations for rocket
    • buiding toys to build the launch pad such as Lego bricks, tinker toys, blocks, Duplo, etc)
    • 1-2 cups vinegar
    • paper towel
    • 1-2 Tablespoons Baking Soda
    • wine cork or similar to quickly cover the opening of soda bottle
The Ultimate Book of Space
$24.99 $17.99
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02/28/2025 06:27 am GMT

15. How do we yell?

Youtube video: How do we sing?

Book: Human Anatomy for Kids: A Junior Scientist's Guide to How We Move, Breathe, and Grow

Experiment: Observing Vocal Cord Movement

  • Materials:
    • A chocolate wrapper
    • A willing participant

16. How do shells grow with turtles?

Youtube video: How turtle shells evolved

Book: All Things Turtles For Kids: Filled With Plenty of Facts, Photos, and Fun to Learn all About Turtles

Experiment: Sea Turtle Life Cycle

  • Materials
    • Paper plate
    • Green, Black, and White Play dough
    • Black and Blue Construction paper
    • Stick of glue
    • Paper
    • Pencil

17. How do fireworks explode?

Youtube Video: How do fireworks work?

Experiment: Fireworks Experiment

  • Materials
    • Baking Soda
    • Vinegar
    • Glitter
    • Star Cookie Cutter (or another shape of choice)
    • Dish To Hold Reaction
    • Plastic Dropper

18. Why does the moon come out at night?

Youtube video: Day and Night


Experiment: Moon in a Box

  • Materials:
    • 1 cube-shaped cardboard box
    • 1 flashlight or table lamp
    • 1 white spun cotton ball or foam ball (preferably quite large)
    • 1 pencil
    • 1 paper clip
    • Sewing thread
    • 1 knife
    • Tape
    • Decoration material (optional)

19. How does sunscreen stop us from burning?

Youtube video: Why you should wear sunscreen

Book: Sophie The Sun-Safe Surfer: A Children’s Book About Sun Safety

Experiment: Suncreen Experiment

  • Materials
    • Black construction paper
    • Sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher
    • A sunny day
Sophie The Sun-Safe Surfer: A Children s Book About Sun Safety
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02/28/2025 06:13 am GMT

20. How do monkeys hang from trees?

Youtube video: Swing through the trees with spider monkeys


Experiment: Create a Monkey Doorknob Hanger

  • Materials:
    • glue or scotch tape,
    • scissors,
    • Printer and paper,
    • something to color with (if making the B&W paper version)


I hope these resources help spark interests and conversations with your child like they did mine! Now you have a list of questions and how to answer them for your kids. There are lots more resources out there to keep the conversation going with your kids too. Keep their creative and curious minds active with these activities and more like them.

If you are looking for some screen-free activities check out my article 10 Open-and-Go Screen-Free Learning Activities.

We are still going through these questions ourselves and plan on spreading them out over the school year. Any questions we have during the year, we can answer the following school year. I will make sure to share with y'all how we answer any more questions and any cool science experiments we come across. Be sure to keep the activities going and check out my other page 4 crafts using only 4 materials.

If you're interested in homeschooling, check out my How to Homeschool series!

I would love to know how I can pray for you and your family. Feel free to reach out and email me!

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